Angela Spitalieri
Angela Spitalieri, Publisher
A Look Back: The Feast of the Seven Fishes
December 2023
The Christmas Season is upon us! This is my favorite time of the year; trimming your Christmas tree, hanging your decorations and most importantly, spending time with those you love. Christmas Eve was a big tradition in my home growing up and I am...
A Look Back: Celebrating All Saints' Day and Honoring the Saints
November 2023
November is a time to step back, before the holidays are upon us, to appreciate all the wonderful things we have. We, at La Gazzetta Italiana, are very grateful to all of you that subscribe, advertise or carry the newspaper in your business....
A Look Back: Portrait of a Youth as Saint Sebastian
October 2023
It is that time of year again, Italian Heritage Month! What a great opportunity for all of us to share in the love and appreciation of our great culture. Celebrate in style with a trip to the Art Museum and a night in Little Italy or a trip to our...
A Look Back: In Italy It's All about the Food
August 2023
Happy August! Summer is here and what better way to kick off the month than with some summer festivals. Check our local section for all our favorites. Please enjoy this article by Margie Longano Miklas about the delicious Italian cuisine from our...
A Look Back: Sorrento, Gateway to the Amalfi Coast
June 2023
June is here and that means festival time! If your community or parish has an upcoming festival, please contact us so that we can help you promote it.
The weather is finally pleasant, and we hope you have a chance to get outside and enjoy...
A Look Back: Editor Speaks
May 2023
The newspaper is headed into our 31st year of publication. We continue to give 100 percent of our time to the Italian community and we are always looking at ways to improve.This year, a big goal of ours is to increase our online presence. We are...
A Look Back: Buona Pasqua!
April 2023
April is upon us, and spring is beginning to show its face. It is time to think green, time for Easter lilies, and time for the arrival of the traditional Easter Bunny. Most importantly, Easter is a time to reflect on our sacrifices, and focus on...
A Look Back: Italy's Flowers
March 2023
March is here and hopefully this means warmer weather is around the corner so that we can start looking at the beautiful flowers. March is always a great month; a time to prepare for the beauty that will blossom all around us. March 19 is the Feast...
A Look Back: A Liturgical Pax from Renaissance Florence
January 2023
Happy New Year! As we look forward to another new year, please know we are thankful for all of our subscribers and advertisers. We hope 2023 brings you all happiness and success. If you have a story idea or would like to write for La Gazzetta...
A Look Back: My Love Affair with Sicily
June 2022
June is here, and you know what that means - it’s festival time! If your community or parish has an upcoming festival, please contact us so that we can help you promote it.The weather is finally nice, and we hope you have a chance to get outside...