Vegas After Dark
February 2023 | La Gazzetta Italiana
Imagine the many music entertainers who got their start in show business by being at the right place at the right time. Now, imagine a young man coming home from Spring Break during his first year of college, all tanned and ready to get back to it....
Vesuvius Nights
January 2022 | La Gazzetta Italiana
Antonella Amoruso, senior deputy of Milan's anti-terrorism police, receives a call to return to her Naples hometown for the funeral of a family member murdered in a Camorra clan feud.
Amoruso is plunged into the dangerous culture of Camorra,...
“Cortile Cascino” and “Children of Fate”
January 2022 | Diana Lucarino-Diekmann
Nel 1959, il regista Robert Young ha girato il film “Cortile Cascino”, ispirato dai libri e dalle foto che vide nei villaggi poveri vicino Palermo in Sicilia. Il film si concentra sulla povertà e le vite corrotte della gente. Nel film, il...
"Angels Unawares" Scuplture on U.S. Tour
July 2021 | La Gazzetta Italiana
For over 25 years, Canadian artist Timothy Schmalz has been sculpting large-scale sculptures. He is a figurative artist with his pieces installed worldwide. Some of his most reputed pieces are installed in historical churches in Rome and at the...
“Luca” a Disney Pixar animated movie
July 2021 | La Gazzetta Italiana
Set in a beautiful seaside town on the Italian Riviera, Disney and Pixar’s original feature film “Luca” is a coming-of-age story about one young boy experiencing an unforgettable summer filled with gelato, pasta and endless scooter rides. Luca...
Road to the Lemon Grove
July 2021 | La Gazzetta Italiana
A film starring Burt Young (“Rocky”), Nick Mancuso (“Ticket to Heaven”), Rossella Brescia (Italian TV star and Italy's Prima Ballerina), Charly Chiarelli (Sicilian "Spalding Grey"), Loreena McKennitt (Multi-Platinum Recording Artist) and Tomaso...
From the Italian American Press: “With Tears and Laughter”
July 2021 | Janice Therese Mancuso
From the first paragraph describing the deep descent of a winding driveway in present-day Joppolo on the east coast of Calabria, across the toe to the western slope of the Aspromonte, and the hillside village of Canolo at the turn of the 20th...
Potentially Dangerous: When it was a Crime to be Italian
July 2021 | La Gazzetta Italiana
It was once a crime to be Italian. That is what “Potentially Dangerous,” a documentary that explores a little-known era when Italian Americans were “Enemy Aliens” during WWII, reveals. As America crept closer to its second World War, the U.S....
Sylvester Stallone Truly Has the Eye of the Tiger
May 2021 | David J. Domino
L’articolo parla della vita dell’attore Italo-americano: Sylvester Stallone. Malgrado il fatto che oggi sia un uomo molto conosciuto e famoso, Stallone ha avuto una vita difficile e povera. Figlio di genitori divorziati, non ha avuto né una...