Rabbi Barbara Aiello
La Befana: In Southern Italy, this Whimsical Character Embraces Diversity and Appeals to All
December 2024
On the night of January 5 children throughout Italy and, in particular, Calabria, hang their stockings from the fireplace mantle or place their shoes by the bedroom door all in anticipation of a beloved old lady who will slide down the chimney or...
At the Ferramonti Concentration Camp: Three Synagogues, High Holy Days and Bed Sheet Brides
August 2021
L’articolo descrive di un campo di concentramento a Ferramonti nel sud italia in cui due rabbini celebravano i matrimoni dove le spose misero i vestiti fatti di lenzuole e zanzariere. I rabbini aiutarono con le nascite di 21 bambini. I detenuti...
In Sardinia a Chanukah Dreidel Hides in Plain Sight
December 2020
Come tutta l’Italia, in Sardegna si festeggia Natale con tanta gioia. Per i sardi, il giocattolo “barralliccu” è molto importante per la loro cultura. Questo è un cubo di legno simile a un dreidel di Hanukkah. I giocatori girano il cubo e seguono...
You're Invited to a Jewish Celebration! - What You Need to Know...
May 2019
A ciascuna fede il proprio matrimonio ed i propri riti religiosi. Chi professa un determinato credo, desidera celebrare queste importanti occasioni secondo i canoni della propria confessione. Ciascuna fede prevede rituali e codici che...
Back to School in Italy
September 2018
La fine delle vacanze estive ed il rientro a scuola a settembre rappresentano un appuntamento molto importante per scolari e genitori. Il primo giorno dietro ai banchi significa anche avere tutto l’occorrente per essere preparati a varcare la...
Dalida' - The Beloved European Singer’s Calabrian Jewish Roots
August 2017
Although she was born Iolanda Cristina Gigliotti, when it came time to select a stage name, she chose “Dalida`,” from the Hebrew for “delight.” And, as Dalida`, she became one of the world’s most beloved performers, singing and recording in more...
Where Should We Get Married?
July 2017
If you have chosen Bella Italia for your destination wedding, you’ve chosen one of the most beautiful places in the world to “tie the knot.” Whether it’s a Roman terrace with a Coliseum view, a peaceful setting on Lake Como,...
Out of the Ashes
June 2017
In his compelling book, “Triangle: The Fire that Changed America,” David Von Drehle reminds his readers in vivid detail of the events of March 25, 1911.
By nightfall, 146 young girls, burned from the fire or crushed and mutilated by...
"I'm Italian - Could I Be Jewish, Too?"
March 2017
“I have been trying (unsuccessfully) to find information on my great-grandparents and their surnames…For years now I have felt a deep connection with Judaism, and was wondering if it was simply a spiritual connection, or if it’s...
Calabria's Jews and Catholics Share Chanukah Together
December 2016
Chanukkah è una festività ebraica nota anche come Festa delle Luci. In ebraico, il termine significa "inaugurazione" o "dedica" giacché la celebrazione commemora la consacrazione di un nuovo altare nel Tempio di...
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