La Gazzetta Italiana

October Birthdays

October 2019
The leaves are falling and the wine is harvested! It’s a perfect time to toast some of our favorite Italians’ birthdays. On October 12, we remember Luciano Pavarotti who quickly became one of the most commercially successful tenors of all time. His...

Little Italy: San Francisco

October 2019
Little Italy è una delle zone più suggestive di San Francisco, un’incantevole città con un’atmosfera decisamente cosmopolita che si respira in ogni suo angolo. Perfetto per chi ha nostalgia di casa, il quartiere è situato a North Beach e le sue...

Volcanoes Stromboli, erupted in late August

October 2019
In late August, Stromboli, one of the most active volcanoes on earth, erupted again in what experts classified as a “major” eruption. The volcano has been erupting almost continuously since 1932. In July, a hiker was killed near the summit by a...

MUST GO - Stay Assisi Apartments

October 2019
Finding accommodations in Italy is easy enough. Hotels, castles, farmhouses, hostels, B&B’s, convents and monasteries, villas, and more are abundant in every region of the beautiful country. Priced from the low end to world-renowned luxury, you...

On August holiday the Italy’s government collapse

October 2019
Following the collapse of Italy’s government while Parliament was on holiday in August, a history-making new coalition was sworn in in early September. The anti-establishment Five Star Movement (M5S) and the  centre-left Democratic Party...

A man used his eights years old kid in drug trafficking in the southwest of Italy

October 2019
In September, police in Italy arrested a 48-year-old man suspected of using his young son to take part in drug trafficking in the southwest part of the country. Agostino Cambareri, suspected of leading a drug gang across the  region of...

James Bond in Matera

October 2019
A new James Bond movie is being filmed in Matera. “No Time to Die,” the 25th installment of the 007 franchise, began filming in August with nothing less than a breakneck car chase around the southern city. Daniel Craig will play Bond for the  ...

Cleveland Italian American Heritage Committee Announces 2019 Italian Heritage Month Honorees

September 2019
The Cleveland Italian American Heritage Committee in partnership with the City of Cleveland Mayor’s Office and Cleveland City Council will host a ceremony in the Cleveland City Hall Rotunda on Monday, Oct. 7, 2019 at 6 p.m. to celebrate Italian...

MUST READ: Andrea Camilleri

September 2019
Andrea Camilleri, grande scrittore siciliano ed  autore della fortunata serie di romanzi sul commissario Montalbano, si è spento lo scorso luglio all’età di 93 anni. Dai romanzi al teatro fino alle prese di posizione sulla politica, con la sua...

Little Italy: Los Angeles

September 2019
Gli immigrati italiani hanno avuto un ruolo fondamentale nel plasmare le radici di Los Angeles. All'inizio del XIX secolo, arrivarono alla ribalta nel centro di El Pueblo, ora un monumento storico ufficialmente riconosciuto per la storia messicana....

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