Nominate an Honoree for 2021 Cleveland Italian American Heritage Month

Nominations for Honorees to be recognized during Cleveland Italian American Heritage Month in October 2021 are being requested by the Cleveland Italian American Heritage Committee. The categories for nomination include:  Arts & Culture, Business, City or County Employee, Individual, Public Servant, or Youth. 

Anyone is welcome to nominate an Italian American individual, organization or business in Northeast Ohio to be an Honoree. If you would like to submit a nomination, please complete the form either on paper or online at or send an email to  Deadline to submit is July 15th.

The date for the awards event and Italian American Heritage Month opening ceremony is Monday, October 4, 2021. Last year, the awards event was recorded and posted online due to public health restrictions banning large events. In previous years, the event took place in the Cleveland City Hall Rotunda, with nearly 300 in attendance. The Cleveland Italian American Heritage Committee is uncertain how the ceremony will be held this year and will share details with the community as soon as they are available.

With Matt Zone’s resignation from Cleveland City Council last year, Councilmen Blaine Griffin and Mike Polensek will now serve as Honorary Co-Chairs of the Cleveland Italian American Heritage Committee, along with Mayor Frank Jackson as an Honorary Co-Chair, and Pamela Dorazio Dean as Chairperson.

If you have any questions about nominations or the event itself, please contact Pamela Dorazio Dean, Chairperson, at or 330-285-2950.



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