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Happy Birthday to Alfred Michael Sforzo
October 2017 | Nicole Sforzo
La figlia e la nipote di Alfred Sforzo augurano un felicissimo 80° compleanno al capostipite della famiglia. Nel corso della sua carriera, Alfred è stato conducente di camion di birra, proprietario di un bar e di un ristorante,...
Celebrating Tradition at the 125th Anniversary of the Holy Rosary Parish
October 2017 | Danielle Selvaggio
La parrocchia di Holy Rosary a Little Italy celebra il 125° anniversario della sua fondazione. Gli attesissimi festeggiamenti avranno luogo durante il fine settimana del 7 e 8 ottobre e tutti i fedeli sono inviati a partecipare alle Messe ed a una...
Another Italy: Other Realities - A photographic exhibition documenting current Mexican immigration to Italy
October 2017 | Serena Scaiola
October celebrates Italian American Heritage Month. While our communities in the U.S. commemorate the invaluable opportunities that immigration to America afforded millions of Italians at a time of profound economic crisis in the mother land, it is...
Local News > Cleveland
Another Italy: Other Realties
October 2017 | Serena Scaiola
October 2017, Cleveland City Hall, 2nd floorPresented by The Bishop Pilla Italian American Studies Program at JCU and the Hon. Consulate of Italy in Cleveland & Ohio
October celebrates Italian American Heritage Month. While our communities in...
Local News > Youngstown
Newspaper Clip Brings to Life 1912 World of Youngstown Immigrants
September 2017 | Ben Lariccia
Il recente ritrovamento di un articolo del giornale Mahoning Dispatcher risalente all´11 ottobre 1912, rivela la realtà della vasta comunità italo-americana della zona di Youngstown. L´ignoto autore dell´articolo difende vigorosamente i...
September events
September 2017 | La Gazzetta Italiana
La Festa Italiana’s 42nd YearLabor Day weekend (Friday through Monday, September 1-4, 2017). The annual La Festa Italiana on Courthouse Square in downtown Scranton, Pa. More than 80 vendors offering great Italian food, and continuous live...
Local News > Columbus
38th Columbus Italian Festival, Oct. 6-8
September 2017 | La Gazzetta Italiana
“For 38 years, the Columbus Italian Festival brings ‘Faith, Family and Friends’ (our festival motto) together, everything Italian: with traditions, food and entertainment for the Central-Ohio Community,” states Mike Cua, the festival’s 2017...
Saving History - Looking Back at Opera in Cleveland
September 2017 | Pamela Dorazio Dean
Opera has a significant presence in the city of Cleveland. There are a number of local opera companies that offer performances year-round such as The Cleveland Opera Company (formerly known as Opera Per Tutti), The Cleveland Opera and the recently...
Saving History - Learning About Italian Heritage
October 2017 | Pamela Dorazio Dean
Each October we celebrate Italian Heritage Month. The Italian flag is flown at Cleveland City Hall and an event is held there on the first Monday of the month in celebration. Many Italian American organizations throughout the region sponsor...