I nomadi digitali, anche conosciuti come i lavoratori a distanza, avranno più diritti con le nuove leggi. Ci sono tanti professionisti che lavorano da casa dall’inizio della pandemia. La legge consentirà ai lavoratori dei Paesi fuori l’Unione Europa di poter continuare a lavorare per le agenzie italiane per tutto il tempo necessario. Primo del cambio della legge, i lavoratori a distanza potevano lavorare solo per 90 giorni senza presenza. Ci saranno anche altri visti nel decreto flussi. Luca Carabetta, un avvocato per i nomadi digitali, ha dichiarato che il nulla osta sarà un giorno disponibile, anche per i membri delle famiglie. Per questi ci sarà anche un salario minimo che un lavoratore deve avere per qualificarsi per questo nulla osta. I richiesti per il visto dovranno avere un alloggio sicuro, l’assicurazione sanitaria, un salario buono, e una fedina penale pulita.
Digital nomads, otherwise knows as remote workers, will finally have a place in Italy, lawmakers have confirmed after months of speculation. The new visa for remote workers was approved and signed into law on March 28, ending concerns that it was cut from a draft of the decree seen in January. The news has, understandably, caused a buzz among the growing ranks of professionals who have untethered themselves from office-based jobs during the pandemic. This new permit is specifically designed for non-EU ‘nomadi digitali,’ or those “who carry out highly qualified work activities through the use of technological tools that allow them to work remotely, autonomously or for a company that is not resident in the territory of the Italian state.” As non-EU nationals can currently only spend a maximum of 90 days in Italy without a visa, it is hoped that the provision will make it easier for people to live out their Italian dreams long-term. Who counts as a “highly qualified” worker has been given a wide definition by Italian financial paper Il Sole 24 Ore. It reports that this category includes everyone “from university professors to circus employees, seafarers and professional nurses.” It also appears there will be no limit on the number of permits issued annually - as there are with other kinds of visas under Italy’s ‘decreto flussi’ (foreign workers’ quota). Five Star Movement MP Luca Carabetta, an advocate of the digital nomad visa, has indicated that it will last one year in the first instance and can be extended to close family members. It also looks set to entail a minimum income requirement, though the amount is not yet known. “Requirements for the remote worker are the availability of suitable accommodation, adequate income, health insurance, and a clean criminal record,” Carabetta told the Local. Would-be digitali nomadi may be waiting some time for full details, as the Italian government works on a new bill to implement the law.