In Assisi, Seeking that Floral Splendor of the Infiorate

The Feast of Corpus Domini is celebrated with astounding floral splendor in the flower tapestries winding through Spello’s medieval backstreets. 

Thousands arrived in early morning to take in the splendor as the multitudinous Infiorate (flowerings) were being completed in preparation for the procession winding through the town at 11 a.m. when the consecrated Host would be carried over the floral carpets (40 floral pieces this year).

It is a pleasure to have the opportunity to view the few floral gems created in the afternoon in an area of the Assisi backstreets near the Cathedral of San Rufino. The floral carpets will welcome the Host being carried out of the Cathedral in the procession after Mass.

The image of one Infiorata quadro was created by graphic artist, Francesco Mancinelli and represented San Francesco receiving the stigmata on Mt. LaVerna in Tuscany in the early 13th century. This creation celebrated the 800th anniversary of that event. 

Near the floral splendor, embroidered tablecloths were draped from windows, a sign of homage for the procession which would soon pass. 

An Assisi infiorata quadro, entitled “Germogli di Pace” (“Buds of Peace”), spread out below a medieval house draped in jasmine. The perfume of the jasmine climbing the walls intermingled with the pungent smell of finocchio selvatico (wild fennel) used to create the dark green in the Infiorata. 

Floral runners, tappetti, carpeted a few of Assisi’s winding medieval backstreets. The traditional altar adorned with Assisi cross-stitch marked the end of the procession route. Nearby resident Signora Rinaldi had embroidered the San Francesco rising on the altar and the altar cloth.

The Sacred Host would conclude the procession and the people of Assisi would disperse among the spectacular floral wonders of Assisi this year.