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Italy and its Volcanoes

February 2017 |
Italy, with its peculiar boot-shaped form, is a very unstable and sensitive are. This is due to the fact that it is a peninsula resting in the sea, but also that its territory in many areas is characterized by the presence of several...

That's the "Spirit" Fornaro!

January 2017 |
Spirit Airlines è uno dei principali vettori statunitensi low-cost. L’Amministratore Delegato dell’azienda, l’italo americano Bob Fornaro è recentemente arrivato in Ohio per  avviare nuovi collegamenti diretti...

Fano Adriano and its 7Fs

January 2017 |
Fano Adriano is a medieval town nestled in the “Sicilian Valley” inside the National Park of Abruzzo between the slopes of the Gran Sasso, and the Monti della Laga. It probably stands on the ruins of an ancient Roman settlement, as its...

The foundation of capracotta by the Longobards

January 2017 |
Capracotta, at an altitude of 1,421 meters or 4,662 feet, is one of the highest towns in the Apennines. Located in the Isernia province in the Molise region, its nearby towns include Agnone, San Pietro Avellana, Pietrabondante, and Carovilli....


November 2016 |
“One is born a man, but later becomes a brigand, until the last of our days we have to shoot, and if we die, bring a flower for us, in the name of the freedom for which we fought.” Brigandage refers to the life and practice of...

Sicily and Trinacria

November 2016 |
Sicily (Sicilia) is the biggest island in the Mediterranean, separated from the mainland by the strait of Messina. Sicily was known by the Romans as Trinacrium, meaning “star with three points.” The word Trinacria means triangle and...

Why Italian Americans Should Take a Homecoming Trip

November 2016 |
Roma, il centro della storia della civiltà occidentale, è innegabilmente uno spettacolo unico al mondo. Difficile anche competere con l’impareggiabile bellezza dell’arte a Firenze o il fascino dei canali di Venezia: le...

Dan Brown’s "Inferno:" Following Langdon’s Footsteps through Florence

November 2016 |
In the first weeks of October in Florence, the beautiful city of Tuscany was the background for the celebration of the world premiere of “Inferno,” Ron Howard’s new movie inspired by Dan Brown’s bestseller. The press...

My Trip to Castel di Sangro

October 2016 |
Posto a circa 800 metri sul livello del mare, Castel di Sangro è un piccolo ma vivace comune della provincia dell’Aquila, in Abruzzo. Nella sua storia travagliata e millenaria, che risale almeno all’VIII o IX secolo, il borgo...
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