
Feast of the Seven Fishes

November 2019 |
“Feast Of The Seven Fishes” is set to be released by Shout Studios on Nov. 15 in select theaters. The comedy-drama was written and directed by Robert Tinnell and based on his graphic novel and Italian cookbook of the same name.  Just days...

From the Italian American Press: The Seven Golden Apples

September 2019 |
The Kingdom of Pumaria with its rich, fertile land is located between a treacherous mountain range and the large Mediterranean Sea. It’s an ideal location for the apple trees that grow there, some reaching 30 feet high, and all bearing bright...

MUST READ: Andrea Camilleri

September 2019 |
Andrea Camilleri, grande scrittore siciliano ed  autore della fortunata serie di romanzi sul commissario Montalbano, si è spento lo scorso luglio all’età di 93 anni. Dai romanzi al teatro fino alle prese di posizione sulla politica, con la sua...

The Tarantella

May 2019 |
At the typical Italian American wedding reception, party-goers dance in a circle around the newlyweds to a fast and upbeat tempo joyously welcoming the couple into their new life. This is the traditional southern Italian folk dance called the...

MUST READ: The Milan Thriller Series by Jack Erickson

March 2019 |
“I love mysteries. I love reading them. I love writing them.” Author Jack Erickson recently spent some time with La Gazzetta Italiana, albeit virtually as he’s currently traveling Australia and Asia, giving us some insight into his life and...

Italo Calvino: Notable Italian Author

March 2019 |
Intellettuale di grande impegno politico, civile e culturale, Italo Calvino è stato uno dei narratori italiani più importanti del secondo Novecento. Noto soprattutto per la sfumatura più sognante, avvolta in un’aura fantastica e quasi...

Luca Rovini & Compañeros

February 2019 |
An Enjoyable Blend of Italian-Style, Blues-Inspired, Country-Rock Originals The universal yet simple nature of music allows it to travel beyond physical borders and to materialize in the most unexpected places. The issue of an unfamiliar foreign...

Giovanna Caruso Wins Award in Accolade Global Film Competition

February 2019 |
Giovanna Caruso has won a prestigious Award of Recognition from The Accolade Global Film Competition. The award was given for Caruso’s exciting short film, “A Life Worth Living,” which goes through the emotional struggles of a terrible loss and the...

Elena Ferrante's "My Brilliant Friend"

January 2019 |
Naples-born author Elena Ferrante has swept through the literary world like a whirlwind. If you've read her novels, you'll understand why she's so popular. Ferrante's first novel in her best-selling Neapolitan series, “My Brilliant Friend,”...
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