Joanna Lucarino

Contributing writer

A Wine Tale

November 2019
Once upon a time in the land of Venosa, there lived a prince, Alberico Boncompagni Ludovisi, born in 1918, a descendant of a 1,000-year-old line of Italian royalty which included Popes Gregory XIII and XV. This introverted prince was not interested...

It Takes Two to Tango

October 2019
Il tango è oggi un ballo popolare associato ad incanto ed eleganza, sebbene ai suoi inizi fosse molto differente. Cominciò a diffondersi a Buenos Aires - la città dove “far fortuna” intorno al 1820, come tipo di percussione usata dagli...

The Slow Food Movement

July 2019
”A firm defense of quiet material pleasure is the only way to oppose the universal folly of Fast Life...our defense should begin at the table with Slow Food.”  ~Petrini  “Our Mother Earth brings us together in a universal...

The Tarantella

May 2019
At the typical Italian American wedding reception, party-goers dance in a circle around the newlyweds to a fast and upbeat tempo joyously welcoming the couple into their new life. This is the traditional southern Italian folk dance called the...

Altamura Man

April 2019
There is a limestone plateau in the city of Altamura in southeastern Italy in the province of Bari in the Puglia region. This is a territory known as the Alta Murgia. The limestone rock that is found here allows water to trickle through slowly,...

La Città Sotterranea

March 2019
It was a stroke of luck when the crazy WWOOFing adventure that my sister Diana and I were on in Cancellara was suddenly cut short. We needed to find lodging quickly as the B&B in Salento, our next destination, wasn’t available yet. Luckily,...

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