La Gazzetta Italiana

An Italian mafia "super-fugitive" has been arrested

April 2019
An Italian mafia “super-fugitive,” Marco Di Lauro, has been arrested in Naples after 14 years on the run. Considered the second-most dangerous man in Italy, Di Lauro (38) was arrested without a fight last month at his home. The operation involved...

MUST READ: The Milan Thriller Series by Jack Erickson

March 2019
“I love mysteries. I love reading them. I love writing them.” Author Jack Erickson recently spent some time with La Gazzetta Italiana, albeit virtually as he’s currently traveling Australia and Asia, giving us some insight into his life and...

March Birthdays

March 2019
In March we remember and celebrate many Italian-born history-makers. On March 6, 1475, one of the most famous Italian Renaissance sculptors of all time was born. Michelangelo di Lodovico Buonarroti Simoni, commonly known as Michelangelo, exerted...

Little Italy: San Diego

March 2019
L’immigrazione italiana a San Diego assunse una connotazione importante dopo il 1950. A seguito dell’attività  della pesca del tonno, il nostri connazionali discesero  dalla Bay Area fino a San Diego. La comunità iniziò ad aumentare...

To Be or Not to Be an Italian Citizen: This is THE Question!

March 2019
NOIA Foundation and Western Reserve Historical Society hosted a presentation on recognition of Italian citizenship for individuals of Italian descent born in the United States. Despite an unusually brutal cold that gripped Cleveland for a few days...

James J. Malatesta Celebrates 100 Years

March 2019
By the grace of God, James Malatesta will turn 100-years-old on March 30, 2019. Jim was born in Syracuse, NY and moved to Cleveland’s Little Italy in 1924 at the age of 5. He is the oldest living graduate of Murray Hill School. Jim and his wife,...

An Invitation to Discover Our Ancestors' Traditions

March 2019
Please accept our invitation to re-discover our ancestors’ traditions at Our Lady of Mt. Carmel West. We continue to have Mass in Italian at 10 a.m. every Sunday and Stations of the Cross in Italian during Lent. We celebrate the changing of the...

Calling All Little Italy Homeowners and Gardeners

March 2019
Since March is the month of spring and blossoms, it’s time to think ahead to our yards and gardens. Little Italy has again been selected to be one of the Cleveland neighborhoods participating in GardenWalk Cleveland (GWC). The mission of GWC is to...

Nuns on the Run

March 2019
The Vatican has its eye on the Olympic games. In January of this year, the city-state launched a national track and field team. The athletic team is made up of about 60 members including nuns, priests, Swiss Guards, museum workers, carpenters, and...

The Chapel of the Holy Shroud in Turin Reopens After 2-Year Restoration Project

March 2019
Dopo due anni di restauro è stata riaperta a Torino  la Cappella della Sacra Sindone. La cerimonia ufficiale si è svolta lo scorso venerdì 11 gennaio. Ad annunciarlo, tra gli altri, è la NIAF, la Fondazione degli Italo Americani degli Stati...

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