Local News

NIAF Now Accepting Applications for Scholarships

February 2022 |
NIAF sta accettando le candidature per la borsa di studio offerta ogni anno agli studenti che cominceranno l’università quest’anno o che sono già iscritti. Per essere considerati, gli studenti devono avere almeno un membro della famiglia che è...

Restaurant Owner Quagliata, Chef Will Open The Village Butcher in Mayfield

February 2022 |
These days, you just don’t see too many, old-fashioned butcher shops. Coming soon to Mayfield Village will be an old-fashioned butcher shop, with a few modern twists. Carl Quagliata and partner Zach Ladner are preparing for a January or February...

Father Joseph H. Piskura (1929-2021)

January 2022 |
Father Joseph H. Piskura, 90, senior priest-retired, died on Nov. 26. Survivors include his great nephew, Father Allen Corrigan, pastor of St. Victor Parish in Richfield.  Father Piskura was born on Dec. 2, 1929 to the late John and Katherine...

Fr. Michael R. Rock 0. de M. 1959-2021

December 2021 |
Vogliamo mandare le nostre condoglianze a Padre Michael R. Rock, morto il 5 ottobre 2021. Originario di Cleveland, Ohio, era il prete della chiesa St. Peter Parish a LeRoy, NY per molti anni. È stato anche sacerdote della chiesa Our Lady of Lourdes...

An Italian American Family's 100-Year Journey

November 2021 |
Quest’anno, la famiglia Fiorilli hanno festeggiato cent’anni qui negli Stati Uniti. I suoi antenati furono di San Giovanni in Galdo, vicino Campobasso. Viaggiarono su una nave attraverso l’oceano Atlantico, arrivando a Boston e dopo arrivarono a...

A Tribute to Fr. Richard Rasch

November 2021 |
Father Richard was truly a man for others. He worked tirelessly for everyone in his priestly life, which included his parishioners, prisoners, friends, family, and even strangers. Father was a master at creating lasting relationships with just...

Father Richard S. Rasch O. de M. 1955 - 2021

November 2021 |
The Order of the Blessed Virgin Mary of Mercy mourns the loss of our own Father Richard Samuel Rasch, O. de M., who entered into eternal life on Thursday, September 23, 2021, following his struggle with the Covid-19 virus at the St. Vincent Medical...

Little Italy Cleveland Sidewalk Sale

October 2021 |
On Monday October 11th, Check out some area shops during the Columbus Day Parade!

Columbus Day Parade

October 2021 |
The Columbus Day Parade will take place at noon on Oct. 11 along Murray Hill and Mayfield roads in Cleveland's Little Italy neighborhood.
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