Ennio Morricone

Ennio Morricone fu un compositore che vinse un Oscar per la sua musica. Lui descrisse le sue composizioni come una cosa che hanno “energia, spazio, e tempo”. Morricone nacque a Roma in 1928 e morì nel 2020. Aveva novantuno anni. Durante la sua carriera di sessanta anni, lui usò tanti strumenti, come le campane, i fischi,ed anche una chitarra Fender Stratocaster. Lui lavorò con Sergio Leone, e insieme produssero più di quattrocentocinquanta colonne sonore per molti film. Loro scrissero la colonna sonora più famosa, quella del film “Cinema paradiso”. Le liriche della canzone, “Love Theme”, sono scritte sotto l’articolo.

Master of the cinema, Oscar-winning composer, brilliant, creative…these titles and more have been written to aptly describe Ennio Morricone. However, it is by listening to his work that one feels the passion, melancholy and love that is beyond description. His sublime compositions elevate “energy, space and time,” as Morricone described his own music.

Ennio Morricone was born in Rome, Italy on November 10, 1928 and died there on July 6, 2020, at age 91. In his 60-year career, he exhibited a wide range of styles, versatility and productivity in practically every conceivable movie genre and musical style and employed such diverse “instruments” as whip-cracks, bells, whistles, Italian folk instruments, and even the Fender Stratocaster guitar. His romantic scores used wistful Eastern European pan pipes and the human voice as part of the orchestra.

A lifelong collaboration with director Sergio Leone produced innumerable memorable pieces such as the theme song from “The Good, The Bad and The Ugly.” And though perhaps best remembered for their soundtracks, Morricone’s musical legacy is much more than those so-called “spaghetti westerns” with more than 450 movie scores and a hundred classical works. 

When my daughter and I heard the news of Morricone’s passing, we listened to some of his movie scores and began watching his movies, one after another, including my favorite, “Cinema Paradiso,” whose “Love Theme” evokes emotions that are beyond words and tears that run freely. 


“Love Theme” from Cinema Paradiso

(music and lyrics by Ennio Morricone)


Se tu fossi nei miei occhi per un giorno 

Vedresti la bellezza che piena d'allegria 

Io trovo dentro gli occhi tuoi 

E ignoro se é magia o realtá.


Se tu fossi nel mio cuore per un giorno 

Potreste avere e un'idea 

Di ció che sento io 

Quando mi abbracci forte a te 

E petto a petto, noi 

Respiriamo insieme. 


Protagonista del tuo amor

Non so se sia magia o realtá.


Se tu fossi nella mia anima un giorno 

Sapresti cosa sento in me 

Che m'innamorai 

Da quell'istante insieme a te 

E ció che provo é 

Solamente amore,


Da quell'istante insieme a te 

E ció che provo é 

Solamente amore.


If you were in my eyes for a day

You would see the beauty that full of joy

I find in your eyes

And I don’t know if it’s magic or reality.

If you were into my heart for one day 

You could have an idea 

Of what I feel 

When you hold me tight 

Chest to chest, us 

Breathing together    

Protagonist of your love

I don’t know if it’s magic or reality.

If you were into my soul for one day 

You'd know what I feel 

I fell in love 

Since that moment with you 

And what I feel is 

Only love.    

Since that moment with you 

What I feel is 

Only love.