Diana Lucarino-Diekmann

Contributing writer

La Fisarmonica: The History of the Italian Accordian

July 2020
Quest’articolo parla della storia della fisarmonica. La prima fabbrica per le fisarmoniche fu a Castelfidardo,  nelle Marche. Dicono che i francesi portarono la fisarmonica in italia. Piano piano, con la rivoluzione industriale, le fabbriche...

La Fisarmonica: The Advent of the Accordian

June 2020
I have always thought that the accordion was first invented and built by Italians, probably due to my love of the accordion and accordionists that I encountered on my trips to Italy, but even among researchers, the advent of the accordion is still...

The Healthy Italian

June 2020
Italy, until surpassed by the U.S. in number of deaths, had been the global epicenter for the Coronavirus pandemic. It is remarkable how the Italian Community came together in this struggle and displayed solidarity with their fellow Italians....

Superstition or Religion? The Ultimate Afterlife Destination: Heaven

January 2020
The Roman Catholic Church teaches heaven to be primarily a state of being; a beatific, happy, blissful understanding of God, rather than a place “up there.” It is utter and absolute fulfillment. I liken it to Samadhi, the eighth limb of Yoga or...

The Healthy Italian

January 2020
L’anno nuovo è appena arrivato e con lui l’occasione di iniziarne un altro con un elenco di buoni propositi per stabilire cosa lasciarsi alle spalle e stabilire nuovi obiettivi: cosa cambiare nella vita personale e professionale, quali progetti...

A Taste of Italy, Los Angeles Style

December 2019
Taste of Italy Los Angeles, L.A.’s premiere Italian food and wine event, was held this year on Oct. 12 and featured award-winning restaurants, world-class wineries, celebrity chefs, and live entertainment. Held in the historic Pico House and Los...

The Healthy Italian

December 2019
“A tavola non si invecchia.” At the table, you do not become old. Many people are envious of the way Italians take the time to prepare meals and sit with friends eating and socializing for hours; how they keep in touch with family and friends and...

The Healthy Italian

November 2019
Il rito della passeggiata è un costume italiano, un fenomeno della vita sociale che ancora oggi – nonostante i ritmi frenetici, il traffico assillante e mancanza di tempo libero – ci contraddistingue. In ogni grande o piccola città, la gente ama...

The Healthy Italian

October 2019
Combining the words “healthy” and “Italian” in the same phrase may seem like an oxymoron, but I am going to attempt to change that misconception. I am a prime example of a healthy Italian, better yet, a healthy older Italian. Yes, it is possible to...

Superstition or Religion? Possession and Exorcism In the Roman Catholic Church

September 2019
“Vade, retro satana!” “Step back, Satan!” Jesus’ exorcisms consisted simply and directly of commanding the demon to leave the host body. To carry forth this work, Jesus told his followers to heal the sick and cast out demons. In third century...

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