A Baroque, Cioccolata-filled Winter Escape in Modica, Sicily
January 2019 | Francesca Mignosa
Modica, la città del cioccolato, è uno dei più pittoreschi siti della provincia di Ragusa e della Sicilia in generale. Tante sono le sue bellezze architettoniche che da alcuni anni l’UNESCO l’ha inserita nella lista dei beni tutelati come...
Here Comes La Madonna!
December 2018 | Anne Robichaud
No, Madonna is not arriving in Assisi but La Madonna is – or so the children believe. As darkness creeps in on December 7 just before the vigil of the Feast of the Immaculate Conception on the 8th, the men of the Comunita Montana (Forestry Service)...
Dante's Early Illustrations Unveiled by Harvard Scholar
December 2018 | Francesca Mignosa
Francesca Mignosa, collaboratrice de La Gazzetta Italiana, ha recentemente avuto l’opportunità di intervistare Matthew Collins, accademico e docente presso la prestigiosa Harvard University per parlare della sua tesi dedicata al testo ed alle...
Napoleon on Elba
December 2018 | Myra Robinson
L’isola d’Elba è nota, in Italia e nel mondo, per le sue bellezze naturali sebbene la sua notorietà sia legata anche al nome dell’imperatore francese Napoleone Bonaparte, che vi soggiornò, regnandovi durante il periodo dell’esilio, per...
A Royal Winter Retreat in the Italian Alps
November 2018 | Francesca Mignosa
Legend has it that the railway tracks between Italy and Austria, Switzerland and France were designed even before the birth of the first trains. Innovators and engineers had already imagined that the meeting between these countries would, sooner or...
Italy Plus Tours: Not your Typical Tour Guides
November 2018 | La Gazzetta Italiana
There are thousands of travel agents and tour guides that specialize in trips to Italy. However, there are not many like Giovanni Catalano and MJ Parri of Italy Plus Tours. Certainly, they, like the thousands of others, guarantee their clients will...
Discovering the Island of Elba
November 2018 | Myra Robinson
Dire Elba significa parlare di natura rigogliosa e incontaminata, spiagge di ogni tipo e colore, storia, arte e tradizioni culinarie uniche al mondo: un’isola selvaggia e accogliente, circondata dalle acque più limpide che si possano immaginare. È...
Wwoofing, Italian Style
November 2018 | Diana Lucarino-Diekmann and Joanna Lucarino
WWOOF (Worldwide Opportunities on Organic Farms) is a worldwide movement linking volunteers with organic farmers and growers to promote cultural and educational experiences based on trust and non-monetary exchange, thereby helping to build a...
Living Away from Italy is Much Closer
November 2018 | Elia Iafelice
A few days ago, while organizing one of the closets, I found a box containing some letters that my family had sent me over the years. After reading them, I reflected on how difficult it was to live so far away from them after I moved to the States....