Small, peeled shrimp
2 Small onions, diced
2 Garlic cloves, peeled and sliced
Olive Oil (q.b.)
Tomato pulp
1 lb. Spaghetti
Add diced onion and sliced garlic cloves to a deep frying pan and coat with olive oil. Simmer for a few minutes, add shrimp. Season with thyme and marjoram. As the shrimp simmer a few minutes, put pasta water on to boil. Slowly mix in can of polpa di pomodoro (tomato pulp) to shrimp mixture and let simmer for about 10 minutes. Add spaghetti to the boiling water. When al dente, combine the spaghetti to the shrimp sauce, stirring gently.
Serve. “Mamma mia!”