La Gazzetta Italiana

da Vinci Principles

November 2016
Leonardo da Vinci is widely held to be the world’s greatest genius. He pursued so many interests and projects that he is also widely considered one of the most diversely talented individuals to ever have lived. Michael Gelb, author of...

Geraldine Anne Ferraro

November 2016
Geraldine Anne Ferraro was a public school teacher, attorney, congresswoman, Democrat, and the first female vice presidential candidate representing a major American political party. She was born in New York state in 1935 to an Italian American...

Sicily and Trinacria

November 2016
Sicily (Sicilia) is the biggest island in the Mediterranean, separated from the mainland by the strait of Messina. Sicily was known by the Romans as Trinacrium, meaning “star with three points.” The word Trinacria means triangle and...

Recovering Right at Home

November 2016
Mary Girardi of Willoughby is a long-time sufferer of Multiple Sclerosis and is currently undergoing treatment for cancer. Needing help at home because her sister, Gina, works in customer service and her 10-year-old nephew, Gabriel, is at school,...

Little Italy’s Columbus Day Parade

November 2016
A record number 121 units performed before a record crowd at Cleveland's Little Italy’s Columbus Day Parade on Monday, October 10. Leading the bands, politicos, Italian lodges, and clubs were Cleveland’s very own Mayor Frank Jackson and...

November 2016 events

November 2016
All Saints Day, Nov. 1 - Truffles and olives are the stars of November. It is a national holiday and many of the shops close down but, tourists can find their way to the open museums and churches. All Souls Day, Nov. 2 - Italians honor their...

Prime Minister Matteo Renzi claims Italy’s 2017 budget is good news for the country

November 2016
Prime Minister Matteo Renzi claims Italy’s 2017 budget is good news for the country. Italy’s economy has been at a virtual standstill during the first six months of this year but, Renzi says the year will end with a 1 percent growth...

Pope Francis is offering his summer vacation palace as a tourist attraction

November 2016
Pope Francis is offering his summer vacation palace as a tourist attraction. Castel Gandolfo is just outside of Rome and his private apartment has been converted into a museum. The pontiff has visited the palace a couple of times since his election...

Cardinals are protesting a McDonald’s being opened in St. Peter’s Square

November 2016
Cardinals are protesting a McDonald’s being opened in St. Peter’s Square. The red-hatted “Princes of the Church” have complained that the new fast food restaurant is disrespectful of the architectural traditions of the...

Da Michele Pizzeria of Naples is bringing a taste of Italy to London

November 2016
Da Michele Pizzeria of Naples, known as the best pizzeria in the world, is bringing a taste of Italy to London. Opened in Naples in 1870, the pizzeria, where only margherita and marinara pizza are served, is opening a brand in the northwest section...