La Gazzetta Italiana

The Ides of March

March 2018
Con il termine “idi”, i romani si riferivano al 13 o al 15 del mese, secondo il particolare calendario giuliano introdotto nel 45 a.C., il quale prevedeva tre date fisse per ciascun mese, in base a cui venivano stabiliti i restanti giorni. In...

Celebrate St. Patrick's Day in Italy!

March 2018
In Italia, la festa di San Patrizio si festeggia nei pub irlandesi oppure partecipando ai tanti eventi organizzati nelle principali città italiane. Da Milano a Bari, passando per Torino, Bologna, Parma, Pesaro, Napoli, Padova, Portomaggiore,...

From the Italian American Press - Janice Therese Mancuso

March 2018
In 2001, educator and author Ralph J. Ferraro founded the Italian American Press, an online resource providing information and marketing assistance for Italian American writers. In 2011, Ralph transferred ownership of the IAP to Janice Therese...

Italy in March

March 2018
March in Italy is the start of the spring season and although the weather is typically damp, rainy and chilly, March can still be a great time to visit Italy. So, pack your sunglasses and your umbrella and get ready to hit up the sites of one of...

March 2018 Events

March 2018
Weekends in March – Wine in the Springtime Festival, Rovescala, Lombardy. The weekend festivals include parades, music, vendors, food, and, of course, wine tasting. March 2-11 – Firenze e Cioccolato, Florence. The 14th annual Florence and...

A town toward the center of Sardinia was selling homes cheaper than a cup of coffee

March 2018
A historic hillside town toward the center of Sardinia was selling homes cheaper than a cup of coffee. In an effort to boost the shrinking population of the tiny town, Ollolai, a mini-metropolis which dates back thousands of years, was selling...

Facebook has added a fact-checking feature to articles appearing on the social media site

March 2018
Italy is the fifth country added to the short list of countries where Facebook has added a fact-checking feature to articles appearing on the social media site. Italian fact checkers Pagella Politica, who focus on political disinformation, have...

Italy's illegal, or black, economy is experiencing a great boom

March 2018
While Italy experienced a sure sign of an economic recovery last year, a new report states that Italy’s illegal, or black, economy is experiencing an even greater boom. Confcooperative, an organization representing Italian cooperatives, and Censis,...

Italy's Giuseppina Projetto is now the oldest living person in Europe

March 2018
Italy’s Giuseppina Projetto is now the oldest living person in Europe. Born in 1902 in Sardinia, “the grandmother of Italy” is the third-oldest person in the world today, after two Japanese women born in 1900 and 1901. The 115-year-old will turn...

Italy's Apocalypse

February 2018
For the first time in 60 years, Italy failed to reach the World Cup finals. And, the four-time world champions are being thrashed by the country’s media. Calling the let-down the “Apocalypse,” many of Italy’s newspapers blasted offensive headlines...

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