Madonna Primavera

Madonna Primavera or Lady Spring reigns in glory over Assisi’s early May festival, Calendimaggio.

On April 30, five damigelle (damsels) from “Upper” Assisi, La Nobilissima Parte di Sopra (“The Most Noble Part of Upper Assisi”), in elegant medieval dress pastels bearing bouquets of spring flowers paraded slowly and elegantly into a small piazza near Assisi’s main square. They were preceded by drummers from Sopra in medieval blue dress, as blue is the color of Sopra.

The drummers stepped aside to let their Nobilissima Parte de Sopra damigelle head into Piazza Chiesa Nuova, following stately nobilita (nobility) walking solemnly behind their banners. Each of the two Parti have three terzieri or sections.

They ascended the small stage set up before the Chiesa Nuova where their nobility stood proudly in front of their terzieri banners to the left of the blue and red banner of La Nobilissima Parte de Sopra. The chairs to the right of the damigelle De Sopra would soon be occupied by the young damsels of la Magnifca Parte de Sotto, also preceded into the piazza by their drummers. The flags of the three terzieri of Sotto rose behind their nobility and flanked the flag of Sotto, the tower rising proudly in the center of the Parte de Sotto banner.

One of the 10 lovely young women would be declared Madonna Primavera, queen of the festival,  during the second day of Calendimaggio. She would be chosen not based on beauty or intelligence or other qualities but after challenges were competed between the two Parti.

At the presentation of the young damsels, photographers can capture their pleasure and excitement at being such an integral part of their Calendimaggio festival. 

Viva Sopra! Viva Sotto!