We were fortunate a few years ago to be in Italy to attend the wedding of family friends. Matrimony in Italy remains mostly traditional; more so if officiated in small towns, whereas weddings in Rome, Milan or similar large cities have gradually acquired some of the features we see in American cerimonies.
It was summertime, a beautiful sunny day, about 50 miles outside of Rome. We arrived at the site of the ceremony and the subsequent reception and found ourselves in the smallest hamlet I had ever seen. It had been, in the past, a rather elegant country residence (fig. 1) for a wealthy land owner, surrounded by vast terrains still producing abundant crops and able to sustain a multitude of animals. Because of its beauty and quaint atmosphere (fig. 2), the place had become a popular destination for weddings and receptions; the small chapel (fig. 3) within the courtyard was indeed splendid with its elegant simplicity (fig. 4), and the hall nearby, now a fine restaurant, was comfortable and inviting! The young bride arrived at last (fig. 5), escorted by her father, and a happy wedding ceremony ensued. To our surprise, a classic Rolls (fig. 6), in which she had arrived, was out in the courtyard next to a red Ferrari, indeed the perfect conclusion to such an elegant affair!
The subsequent reception was held rather informally “al fresco” (fig. 7), to everyone’s content, and as expected it went on well into the afternoon until the time arrived to depart from such a pleasant site (fig. 8). What a memorable marriage it was, and what splendid memories for everyone lucky enough to be there. Viva gli sposi!!
Elegant country residence Elegant country residence
Beauty and quaint... Beauty and quaint...
Small chapel Small chapel
Small chapel elegant... Small chapel elegant...
The young bride... The young bride...
Classic Rolls Classic Rolls
informally “al fresco”... informally “al fresco”...
the time arrived... the time arrived...